They’re helping us help!
New! Prime! Hot, hot! It’s not that Pau Donés has composed a different song, nor has Lucia Etxebarria written a book that can be smoked, nor has Mariano Rajoy fulfilled an electoral promise. This time One, two…tree! has signed new collaboration agreements with associations that support our work.
Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who instead of working for themselves, love to work for others. These are people or companies that do part of their work for free for social purposes. These are the ones that help us:
- PROADE Association: We have signed a collaboration agreement to receive the volunteers sent to us by PROADE. They get European funds and take care of the insurance of the volunteers. We receive them in Nicaragua and organize their work.
- Serigrafía gallega: This company is very involved and does the printing for us practically free. It is a small company from Vigo. It doesn’t have a web page, but it is located at 27 Falperra Street.
- Rotulowcost: It is a Majorcan company that has made us some great signs and has charged us… zero potato! You can see the photos below. Also, Pepe Llabrés has answered all our emails at the speed of light. It’s a pleasure.
- Uría Menéndez: The registration process as a foundation in Spain is very long and only thanks to Uría’s lawyers are we managing to move it forward. They treat us the same as their clients and that, in one of the best law firms in Spain, is saying a lot!
- Dinahosting: Our web page is hosted at Dinahosting’s servers, which gives us free hosting services and solves all our doubts with the patience of the Holy Job.
- Garrigues: We have asked for help with our accounts and tax returns from Garrigues. They haven’t answered our request yet, but we have good karma about it. It will be one more reason to toast!
In addition to these companies, we appear on several websites that collaborate with us:
And finally, we tell you that we’re thinking of organizing a fundraiser this summer. If you want to and can help us out, you’re very welcome. We are also going to participate in the famous Canido Triathlon (motorized or running, still to be confirmed).
If you know any company that can help us, you can send them this link: