Important notice
Due to the latest events we need to communicate some changes that will be taken by the NGO and the countries in which we work, in order to guarantee the safety of all our volunteers and students.
During the last week, Guatemala and Mexico have registered several cases of COVID-19, which is why the border control points have increased health security. As a result, many of the flights to these destinations are cancelled or postponed.
To minimize the spread of the disease, the Government of Guatemala will suspend classes at all levels from March 16 to April 13, while in Mexico a 30-day break will be taken from March 20 to April 20.
You can follow our social networks to receive all the updated information about the changes that we will be making to this very dynamic issue, always taking the official indications as a reference.
We will be willing to answer all the questions you may have, volunteers, students, parents and teachers, about these last facts through our usual communication channels.
We thank you for your understanding and support in the face of these extraordinary circumstances.
One Two Tree Team