Good morning Diriamba
I love the sound of the roosters crowing
I love the sound of the ‘clip-clop, clip-clop’ sound of the horse’s hooves as trot along the street
I love the ‘clink-clink-clink’ of milkman’s ladle against the stainless steel milk container…
Announcing the arrival of fresh morning milk
On his horse-drawn cart, the milkman delivers – door-to-door
I love the quiet of the early morning
I like brushing my teeth under the moonlight and stars
I love the sound of the wind blowing through the trees
I love my morning walks with Nardo along the dirt roads and paths
I love the sunrise over the fields and plantations of the northern country of Diriamba
I love watching the children scurry to school or the campesinos with their machetes walking to their haciendas
Diriamba Awakens!
Gary Carson